The one thing that got me through pregnancy? This superior pillow

bbhugme pregnancy pillow
India Price,-Contributing Editor

There are a lot of things you’re told to do when you’re pregnant. Eat well, exercise regularly, keep calm (ha!) – but what about getting comfortable? 

Those that have been pregnant truly understand just how desperately uncomfortable it can be. There’s the growing belly, the shrinking organs, the insane back pain.

I had hyperemesis gravidarum for seven months, which meant that I couldn’t leave my flat, let alone my bed. The one thing that helped? No, not ginger tea. It was, in fact, the bbhugme pregnancy pillow. A pillow so marvellous that I insisted on having it in the room with me when I gave birth. Like a doula, but quieter and cheaper.

What is it?

The bbhugme pregnancy pillow is exactly that: a pregnancy pillow. But unlike the stiff, cheap one that I naively thought I could get away with (and of which there are far too many in existence), it’s an award-winning, ridiculously comfortable piece of kit that I always recommend to anyone who’ll listen.

It was designed by healthcare professionals who specialise in maternity care, so there are many things that have been considered – including the five-point body support that targets the belly, the lower back, pelvis, knees and ankles. The washable and removable 95% cotton outer cover is filled with thousands of tiny BPA-free microbeads which move around and adjust to your growing belly. Divine.

Why do you need it?

When I was pregnant, I’d wrap the bbhugme around myself, tuck it underneath me and, when inspiration called, take it to the sofa to prop me up. I loved this pillow so much (and grew so attached to it) that it was pretty much the only thing I actually used in my hospital bag.

You better believe that I prised it out of the midwife’s hands when she tried to put it on a chair – it had been with me for this long, and it was staying with me while I gave birth, too. It might sound melodramatic, but it’s not. I loved this pillow and I know you will, too.

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